Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Impact of Industrial Revolution on American Society Essay
Effect of Industrial Revolution on American Society - Essay Example It is simply after the Second Industrial Revolution (1870-1914) that a spray in the advancement has happened, bringing about fast ascent of mechanical development. Full scale creations which investigated and found way breaking developments in vitality, materials, synthetic concoctions and medication eased back down after 1825 which gave a catalyst to headway in research and the journey for getting new information and advancements. This, thus, has offered ascend to â€Å"micro inventions†(Mokyr, p.1) helping the speeding up of creation capacities and foundation to continue the modern growth’. In this way, the general public and ways of life have experienced an ocean change and people got prosperous. This got extravagances and a great deal of recreation that brought about different improvements on the planet, and America specifically, as far as practical success, scholarly development and social enhancement. Modernization has therefore become a powerhouse, directing the world request. A few elements added to this newly discovered prudent, scholarly and social upliftment. The above all else purpose behind any change or upheaval to come to fruition is the thought which is sustained by the erudite people and scholars who at that point scientifically set forth their perspectives. These gradually permeated and got absorbed into people’s mind. ... To him it said â€Å"Your jewels are not in faraway mountains or in far off oceans; they are in your own lawn in the event that you will yet burrow for†(Conwell, p.7) the Prof. Joseph Carter, creator of the Acres of Diamonds. In this manner, the talk got the creative mind of the American masses, making their conviction solid in discovering openings and roads for self turn of events and investing in hard amounts of energy to tap the assets available to them. Another incredible work which influenced the brains of American masses was the sonnet, The New Colossos, by Emma Lazarus. The fourteen line sonnet was a tribute composed by Lazarus to the Statue of Liberty, which was engraved on the passageway entryway and the celebrated line ‘Give me your drained, your poor, your crouched masses longing to inhale free†(Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus, para.1) was revered for everlasting status on the platform of the sculpture. The sonnet turned into a reference point of welcom e and the sculpture turned into a symbol of paragon for a large number of migrants originating from Europe and rest of the world. Moreover, it turned into an indication of expectation and opportunity in the new world. Another incredible uplifting work was by Andrew Carnegie known as the Gospel of Wealth. He was a poor Scottish transient turned tycoon who turned into the image for social versatility, which additionally was known as ‘The American Dream’ The benefits from his steel domain called the ‘ Carnegie Steel Corp.’ made him one of the wealthiest and persuasive men in American history. Additionally, he was an incredible donor who gave all the more then $350 million to construct open libraries and colleges. In his exposition, the Gospel of Wealth, Carnegie bargains top to bottom with the well off and the duties that accompany it. Then again, how he represented poor people and why good cause
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The way that the memory of the events of the Boston Massacre have Research Paper
The way that the memory of the occasions of the Boston Massacre have changed after some time - Research Paper Example This Act was forced on the request for a British authority called Charles Townshend. The articles on which import obligation was connected were paint, paper, tea, lead and glass2. The individuals from the British parliament presented the Townshend Act as a discipline to the homesteaders for challenging the past Stamp Act. With this new Act, the parliament needed to show a thing or two to the homesteaders that they will undoubtedly submit to any Acts they would present. The American Board of Customs Commissioners was additionally organized by the Parliament whose individuals were answerable for seeing that pirating laws were appropriately followed. This Board was set up in Boston since carrying exercises were focused in this city. The Parliament accepted that on the off chance that carrying could be cleared out from Boston, at that point it would be simple for them to constrain other provincial residents to follow the exchange laws3. Very soon the homesteaders started to challenge the Townshend Act pronouncing that no assessments can be collected on any merchandise without their understanding. The protestant demonstrations were additionally incited by the compositions of numerous energetic pioneers of that time. A fighting letter was composed by John Hancock and was circled to all the townspeople in Massachusetts: â€Å"You are as of now excessively all around familiar with the despairing and disturbing Circumstances to which this Province, just as America when all is said in done, is presently decreased. Duties similarly adverse to the business interests of the Parent nation and the settlements are forced upon the People, without their consent†4. The dealers in Boston started to dismiss any products made in Britain. In 1768, a roundabout letter was sent by the Massachusetts Assembly to the next pilgrim assemblies educating them about troubles looked by the settlers on account of the Act: â€Å"The House of Representatives of this territory, have taken i nto their genuine thought, the extraordinary challenges that must accumulate to themselves and their constituents, by the activity of a few demonstrations of Parliament, forcing obligations and charges on the American colonies†5. In light of the fights the British started to send troops to keep up harmony while as yet implementing the law. This prompted numerous savage clashes between the British warriors and the fighting homesteaders; one such occurrence that turned out to be most notable in American history was the Boston Massacre. On March 5, 1770, a horde of irate individuals insulted nine British watchmen of custom house and tossed snowballs at them, and the last terminated in kind which murdered five individuals and injured some6. Children of Liberty In October 1768, the fourteenth and 29th regiments of British armed force showed up in Boston. They were dispatched by Royal Governor Francis Bernard whose reason for existing was to keep up lawfulness in the Boston and furt hermore to help the traditions authority to gathers burdens according to the Townshend Act forced by the British Parliament. In any case, Massachusetts Assembly blamed Bernard that this activity was an endeavor to topple the Boston government and felt that there was no need of the soldiers to keep up harmony in the city. In any case, Bernard was concerned in light of a prior protestant act in June, 1768 when the traditions authorities held onto a sloop of John Hancock who was a shipper and political pioneer. This prompted dissents by a gathering called Sons of Liberty who finished an elm tree with notices and likenesses of Bernard and customs officials7. Bernard, albeit restricted the 1965
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
How to Recognize the Signs That Someone Is Lying
How to Recognize the Signs That Someone Is Lying Theories Social Psychology Print How to Recognize the Signs That Someone Is Lying By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on November 27, 2019 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW on November 27, 2019 JAG IMAGES / Getty Images More in Theories Social Psychology Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Lying and deception are common human behaviors. Until relatively recently, there has been little actual research into just how often people lie. Some surveys have suggested that as many as 96% of people admit to lying at least sometimes. One national study of 1,000 U.S. adults found that 60% of respondents claimed that they did not lie at all.?? Instead, the researchers found that about half of all lies were told by just 5% of all the subjects. The study suggests that while prevalence rates may vary, there likely exists a small group of very prolific liars. The reality is that most people lie from time to time. Some of these lies are little white lies intended to protect someone else’s feelings (“No, that shirt does not make you look fat!â€). In other cases, these lies can be much more serious (like lying on a resume) or even sinister (covering up a crime).? Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin Lying Can Be Hard to Detect People are surprisingly bad at detecting lies. One study, for example, found that people were only able to accurately detect lying 54% of the time in a lab settingâ€"hardly impressive considering a 50% hit rate purely by chance alone.?? Other studies have shown that even trained investigators are remarkably poor at telling if someone is lying or telling the truth. Clearly, behavioral differences between honest and lying individuals are difficult to discriminate and measure. Researchers have attempted to uncover different ways of detecting lies. While there may not be a simple, tell-tale sign that someone is dishonest (like Pinocchio’s nose), researchers have found a few helpful indicators.? Like many things, though, detecting a lie often comes down to one thingâ€"trusting your instincts. By knowing what signs might accurately detect a lie and learning how to heed your own gut reactions, you may be able to become better at spotting falsehoods. Signs of Lying Psychologists have utilized research on body language and deception to help members of law enforcement distinguish between the truth and lies. Researchers at UCLA conducted studies on the subject in addition to analyzing 60 studies on deception in order to develop recommendations and training for law enforcement.?? The results of their research were published in the American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry. Red Flags That Someone May Be Lying A few of the potential red flags the researchers identified that might indicate that people are deceptive include:Being vague; offering few detailsRepeating questions before answering themSpeaking in sentence fragmentsFailing to provide specific details when a story is challengedGrooming behaviors such as playing with hair or pressing fingers to lips Lead researcher R. Edward Geiselman suggests that while detecting deception is never easy, quality training can improve a persons ability to detect lies: Without training, many people think they can detect deception, but their perceptions are unrelated to their actual ability. Quick, inadequate training sessions lead people to over-analyze and to do worse than if they go with their gut reactions. Tips for Identifying Lying If you suspect that someone might not be telling the truth, there are a few strategies you can use that might help distinguish fact from fiction. Dont Rely on Body Language Alone When it comes to detecting lies, people often focus on body language “tells,†or subtle physical and behavioral signs that reveal deception. While body language cues can sometimes hint at deception, research suggests that many of the most expected behaviors are not strongly associated with lying. Researcher Howard Ehrlichman, a psychologist who has been studying eye movements since the 1970s, has found that eye movements do not signify lying at all. In fact, he suggests that shifting eyes mean that a person is thinking, or more precisely, that he or she is accessing their long-term memory.?? Other studies have shown that while individual signals and behaviors are useful indicators of deception, some of the ones most often linked to lying (such as eye movements) are among the worst predictors. So while body language can be a useful tool in the detection of lies, the key is to understand which signals to pay attention to. Focus On the Right Signals One meta-analysis found that while people do often rely on valid cues for detecting lies, the problem might lie with the weakness of these cues as deception indicators in the first place.?? Some of the most accurate deception cues that people do pay attention to include: Being vague: If the speaker seems to intentionally leave out important details, it might be because they are lying.Vocal uncertainty: If the person seems unsure or insecure, they are more likely to be perceived as lying.Indifference: Shrugging, lack of expression, and a bored posture can be signs of lying since the person is trying to avoid conveying emotions and possible tells.Overthinking: If the individual seems to be thinking too hard to fill in the details of the story, it might be because they are deceiving you. The lesson here is that while body language may be helpful, it is important to pay attention to the right signals. Experts suggest that relying too heavily on such signals may impair the ability to detect lies. Ask Them to Tell Their Story in Reverse Lie detection is often seen as a passive process. People often assume that they can just observe the potential liar’s body language and facial expressions to spot obvious “tells.†While research has shown that this is a pretty bad way to detect lies, taking a more active approach to uncovering lies can yield better results.? Research suggests that asking people to report their stories in reverse order rather than chronological order can increase the accuracy of lie detection.?? Verbal and non-verbal cues that distinguish between lying and truth-telling may become more apparent as cognitive load increases. Lying is more mentally taxing than telling the truth. If you add even more cognitive complexity, behavioral cues may become more apparent. Not only is telling a lie more cognitively demanding, but liars typically exert much more mental energy toward monitoring their behaviors and evaluating the responses of others. They are concerned with their credibility and ensuring that other people believe their stories. All this takes a considerable amount of effort, so if you throw in a difficult task (like relating their story in reverse order), cracks in the story and behavioral tells might become easier to spot. In one study, 80 mock suspects either told the truth or lied about a staged event. Some of the individuals were asked to report their stories in reverse order while others simply told their stories in chronological order. The researchers found that the reverse order interviews revealed more behavioral clues to deception. In a second experiment, 55 police officers watched taped interviews from the first experiment and were asked to determine who was lying and who was not. The investigation revealed that law enforcement officers were better at detecting lies in the reverse order interviews than they were in the chronological interviews. Trust Your Instincts According to the results one study, your immediate gut reactions might be more accurate than any conscious lie detection you might attempt. In the study, researchers had 72 participants watch videos of interviews with mock crime suspects.?? Some of these suspects had stolen a $100 bill from off a bookshelf while others had not, yet all of the suspects were told to tell the interviewer that they had not taken the money. Similar to previous studies, the participants were pretty bad at detecting lies, only accurately identifying the liars 43% of the time and the truth-tellers 48% of the time. But the researchers also utilized implicit behavioral reaction time tests to assess the participants more automatic and unconscious responses to the suspects. What they discovered was that the subjects were more likely to unconsciously associate words like dishonest and deceitful with the suspects that were actually lying. They were also more likely to implicitly associate words like valid and honest with the truth-tellers. The results suggest that people may have an unconscious, intuitive idea about whether someone is lying. So if our gut reactions might be more accurate, why are people not better at identifying dishonesty? Conscious responses might interfere with our automatic associations. Instead of relying on our instincts, people focus on the stereotypical behaviors that they often associate with lying such as fidgeting and lack of eye contact. Overemphasizing behaviors that unreliably predict deceptions makes it more difficult to distinguish between truth and lies. A Word From Verywell The reality is that there is no universal, sure-fire sign that someone is lying. All of the signs, behaviors, and indicators that researchers have linked to lying are simply clues that might reveal whether a person is being forthright. Next time you are trying to gauge the veracity of an individuals story, stop looking at the clichéd “lying signs†and learn how to spot more subtle behaviors that might be linked to deception. When necessary, take a more active approach by adding pressure and make telling the lie more mentally taxing by asking the speaker to relate the story in reverse order. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, trust your instincts. You might have a great intuitive sense of honesty versus dishonesty. Learn to heed those gut feelings.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Financial Literacy Key For Creating And Sustaining...
Financial Literacy: Key to Creating and Sustaining Wealth for African Americans By Martin A. Smith | Submitted On August 21, 2013 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Martin A. Smith Legacy planning is a lifelong endeavor that requires patience, discipline, a strong work ethic and proficiency when it comes to the subject of money and taxes. Being wealthy should not only be defined in numerical terms. Otherwise, what good does having a lot of money do for the people who are unable to enjoy it, because they are not in good physical or psychological health? For example, we have all heard about celebrity athletes who, despite having earned millions of dollars while playing professional sports, find themselves in bankruptcy. A myriad of problems may have led to their financial ruin: marital infidelity resulting in divorce, hefty alimony settlements, financial illiteracy, out-of-control spending, poor investment choices, getting swindled by unscrupulous business managers, etc. Therefore, being wealthy has to entail more than having millions of dollars. Ever hear of a person who won the Lotto, only to have nothing to show for it a few short years after winning? AccordingShow MoreRelatedAn Impact Assessment of Science and Technology Policy on National Development of Nigeria61708 Words  | 247 Pagescontribute to the policy process formulation and implementation of the Ministry. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020
Historical Background of Labor Unions and Leaders Essay
Introduction The history of labor unions dates back the late 1700’s. Without strong leadership, workers were rarely able to improve their wages or working conditions. However, as effective leaders began to emerge, labor became a force demanding to be recognized by business and the government. Change came slowly, but through the efforts of some forward-thinking union leaders, a great deal of change in the world of labor was finally achieved. Historical Legal Status of Unions Trace the evolution of the legal status of American unions. What activities were restricted by laws and courts? Did constraints increase or decline with time? Early organized labor had no support from the government and was frequently eliminated by legislation and†¦show more content†¦Anti-union constraints were further eased with the passage of the Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932 which limited injunctions and allowed collective bargaining (Fossum, 2012). However, this act did not require recognition of unions by employers. The Wagner Act, also known as the National Labor Relations Act, of 1935 addressed unfair labor practices, provided private sector employees with the right to organize and collectively bargain using representatives, and protected employees against discrimination for engaging in union activities (Fossum, 2012). This government support greatly increased union membership and influence. However, as economic depression and World War II broke out, increased strikes by organized labor demanding increased wages resulted in Congress again making striking and lockouts a criminal offense (Fossum, 2012). The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 amended the Wagner Act by defining unfair union practices, giving employees the right to not join unions, and allowing court injunctions to stop strikes which violated the nation’s interests (Colorado State University-Global Campus, 2013). This Act established mediation procedures to resolve labor disputes and promoted more widespread acceptance of unions by employers and more reasonable, longer-term contracts which benefited both labor andShow MoreRelatedNothing From The Korean War On North Korea1399 Words  | 6 Pagesnovel,Nothing to Envy: Ordinary lives in North Korea, tells the stories of six North Korean citizens from Chongjin, third largest city in Democratic People s Republic of Korea. After the Korean War in the 60th, the aid from Communist China and Soviet Union caused industrial growth in North Korea. During this time the daughter of a South Korean Prisoner of War described the hardships she faces as a citizen with tainted blood. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Globalization Is Good Free Essays
string(166) " of globalization is the peace of the world–all countries becoming accepting of one another and the diversity of cultures and beliefs that exists in the world\." Globalization is a term used to describe the political, economic and cultural climate of today’s world. Some say it is the movement of people, language, ideas, and products around the world. Others see it as the dominance of multinational corporations and the destruction of cultural identities. We will write a custom essay sample on Globalization Is Good or any similar topic only for you Order Now Since the dawn of man, economies have been changing and expanding, but most importantly, converging. In recent years, although economic convergence has been occurring for ages, this idea has become a hot topic of political and economic debate.However one chooses to describe it, globalization is surrounded with controversy. With a discussion on globalization comes a set of competing views. Is globalization a force for economic growth, prosperity, and democratic freedom? Or is it a force for environmental devastation, exploitation of the developing world, and suppression of human rights? These two different views will be covered in this essay. The paper is divided into three different sections: the first one depicts the advantages of globalization. The second section provides a discussion about the treats or short-comings brought by globalization.The last part will explore the myths about globalization. 2 Globalization is a positive trend 2. 1Globalization’s Benefits for the World As we move further and further into the twenty-first century, the more clearly we are seeing the advantages of globalization. It has unlimited economic, technical, social and cultural benefits for developing countries. Globalization can mean sharing technological know-how, such as better methods of farming, or it can mean building roads or a dam to give people access to clean water or electricity. In a statistical analysis, globalization proves to have many advantages.During the 20th century global per capita GDP increased almost fivefold, the flow of private capital sharply increased, and technological innovation occurred. These are the factors of globalization and also the factors that sustain and improve standard of living. Standard of living is the most accurate measurement of a nation’s well-being. From 1960 to 1999, the infant mortality rate in Mexico dropped from 93 to 29. The life expectancy for the Chinese citizen increased from average 36 to 70 years.Even the countries of sub-Saharan Africa made improvements in infant mortality, life expectancy, and adult literacy. Everyone gains from globalization. The advantages of globalization also can be seen in the internet. Now, it is possible to have global communication. Someone in Africa can talk to someone in Canada in real time. Or, someone in the United States can email a friend in India and have it arrive in their mailbox in less than one minute. The transmission of information over the internet is making people who live in underdeveloped countries aware of what is possible.The advantages of globalization mean that news is transmitted around the world as it happens. It is a lot harder to keep people in the dark about events happens in the rest of the world. The advantages of globalization on the international economy are substantial. Countries can invest in one another, loan money to one another, and develop trade with other countries. Businessmen can sell their goods in new foreign markets. The more goods that are sold, the more jobs are created. Even in economic difficulties, the world is a better place because the global market is more open and free.The movement of freedom and democracy is another one of the advantages of globalization. The world is becoming closer; all human beings share the earth with one another. It brings about cooperation in trying to make the earth a better place to live. The ultimate goal of globalization is the peace of the world–all countries becoming accepting of one another and the diversity of cultures and beliefs that exists in the world. You read "Globalization Is Good" in category "Papers" Globalization can go beyond economic concerns to address such other issues as the environment.Whether it be disappearing forests, global warming, fishing laws, or helping to save endangered species of animals, people working together in a global way can have far-reaching consequences. 2. 2 The Shortcomings of Protectionism The shortcomings of protectionism can be highlighted through the basic and logical principles of free trade and comparative advantage. Comparative advantage is the idea that two parties are both better off by specializing in the production of the product that they can produce for a comparatively cheaper opportunity cost and then trading at a rate which brings surplus to both parties.For example, the United States has a comparative advantage in producing services and highly skilled labor activities; therefore, the U. S. should produce highly skilled services and import other goods and services from nations that can produce them more cheaply. It is difficult to accept the fact that manufacturing, agricultural, and other such jobs will leave the United States and go to India, China, Russia, etc. , but one must recognize that the United States economy as a whole benefits.Comparative advantage admits to the protectionists that a few jobs are lost, but different jobs are created and the economic well-being is improved. Trade, free from tariffs, extends a nation’s surplus. Exporting and importing both have the power to hurt and benefit consumers and producers, but both yield a greater total surplus. For example, the U. S. may import bananas from Brazil because Brazilian bananas are a cheaper price than U. S. domestic bananas. At the new price, consumers gain a considerable area of surplus and producers lose some, but the total magnitude of surplus increases.When countries implement tariffs and anti-globalizing and protectionist policies, they suffer an efficiency loss, as well as a smaller surplus than trade without barriers. Brazilian producers, without tariff, enjoy a large increase in surplus, while the country’s domestic consumers do have a small loss. Comparative advantage and trade keep economic growth. Without economic growth, the United States would lose its power on the global playing field and its standard of living. 3 Globalization is a threat to the developing countries 3. 1 The Increasing Number of UnemployedThe most important disadvantage of globalization is the increasing number of the unemployed. After the industrial revolution, some countries became a power in industry. However production decreased and so unemployment was raised in the other countries. Another reason of the unemployment rise is that the need of less manpower. Many workers found themselves suddenly unemployed, as could no longer compete with machines which only required relatively limited work to produce more product than a single worker. 3. 2 Cultural invasion Another major damage of globalization is that some cultures are getting lost.The cultures of the countries that have more economic power are more dominant than others. Because, wealthy countries produce many things that can affect cultures, for example, clothes, movies and technologic products. While the global community is increasing, more and more people have became ignorant about social, ethical and moral values which are various in certain groups. Therefore, globalization damages small cultures which are in risk of being extinct. 3. 2 difficulty of competition The final significant effect of globalization is the difficulty of competition. With globalization, trade between the countries has been started to remove limits. Enterprises have prepared the ground to be in constant competition with not only national competitors but also international competitors. Therefore, business requires being in a more rigorous and challenging competitive atmosphere to maintain continuity and development. Rising of monopole companies and trough among production costs are the main effects of this hard competition in business. Undeveloped countries choose to use foreign capital for their improvement however it disposes the equality and stability instead. . 3 Unparalleled Growth and Inequality in Economy and Society It must be recognized that there is great opposition to globalization due to the fact that some of the data points to globalization as a force which allows for unparalleled growth and inequality economically and socially. Globalization, as an impeller of capitalization, threatens the growth and prosperity of developing nations. The idea that â€Å"the faster poor countries open their economic boarders and deregulate their markets, the faster they’ll experience the benefits of economic growth†is open to criticism. Hodari, 2002) The link between poverty and globalization is evident by the widening gap between the privileged elite and the deprived masses. â€Å"The world’s 497 billionaires in 2001 have a combined wealth of $1. 54 trillion, well over the combined gross national products of all the nations of sub-Saharan Africa ($929. 3 billion) or those of the oil-rich regions of the Middle East and North Africa ($1. 34 trillion). It is also greater than the combined incomes of the poorest half of human. †(Shah, 2005) The increase in the gap between the classes has been widening for a long time.The IMF reports that the most recent World Economic Outlook studied 42 countries, representing almost 90 percent of world population, for which data are available for the entire 20 century. It reached the conclusion that output per capita has risen a little bit but that the distribution of income among countries has become more unequal than at the beginning of the century. One reason that globalization is often blamed for the growing inequity in wealth distribution is that debt repayment in developing countries has been linked to poverty.Institutions like The IMF and the World Bank lend money to less developed countries under the condition that the countries adjust policies and cut social expenditures. â€Å"The developing countries now spend $13 for every $1 it receives in grants†. (Shah, 2005) In addition, LCD’s accept development aid in exchange for policy intervention. The developed nations institute policies which open free markets and trade in the LDC, the imports brought into the country often lead to the decline in the export of primary commodities. The 48 poorest countries account for less than 0. 4 per cent of global exports. †(Shah, 2005)These circumstances have increased poverty in many developing countries. 4 Myths about globalization No discussion of globalization would be complete without remove some of the myths that have been built up around it: Globalization has not caused the world’s multinational corporations to simply search the globe for the lowest-paid laborers.There are numerous factors that enter into corporate decisions on where to produce products, including the supply of skilled labor, economic and political stability, the local infrastructure, the quality of institutions, and the overall business climate. In an open global market, while jurisdictions do compete with each other to attract investment, this competition incorporates factors well beyond just the wage level. According to the UN Information Service, the developed world has two-thirds of the world’s inward FDI.The 49 least developed countries account for around 2 percent of the total inward FDI stock of developing countries. Nor is it true that multinational corporations make a consistent practice of operating sweatshops in low-wage countries, with poor working conditions and low wages. While isolated examples of this can surely be uncovered, because multinationals, on average, pay higher wages than what is standard in developing nations, and offer higher labor standards. Globalization is irreversible: In the long run, globalization is likely to be an unrelenting henomenon. But for significant periods of time, its momentum can be hindered by a variety of factors, ranging from political will to availability of infrastr ucture. Indeed, the world was thought to be on an irreversible path toward peace and prosperity in the early 20th century, until the outbreak of Word War I. That war, coupled with the Great Depression, and then World War II, dramatically set back global economic integration. That fragility of nearly a century ago still exists todayâ€â€as we saw in the aftermath of September 11th, when U.S. air travel came to a pause, financial markets shut down, and the economy weakened. These episodes are reminders that a breakdown in globalizationâ€â€meaning a slowdown in the global flows of goods, services, capital, and peopleâ€â€can have extremely adverse consequences. Openness to globalization will, on its own, deliver economic growth: Integrating with the global economy is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for economic growth. For globalization to be able to work, a country cannot be saddled with problems provincial to many developing countries, from a corrupt political class, to poor infrastructure, and macroeconomic instability. 5 Conclusion As globalization has progressed, living conditions have improved significantly in virtually all countries. However, the strongest gains have been made by the advanced countries and only some of the developing countries. The income gap between high-income and low-income countries has grown wider is a matter for concern.And the number of the world’s citizens in poverty is deeply disturbing. But it is wrong to draw the conclusion that globalization has caused the divergence, or nothing can be done to improve the situation. To the contrary: low-income countries have not been able to integrate with the global economy as quickly as others, partly because of their chosen policies and partly because of factors outside their control. No country can afford to remain isolated from the world economy. Every country should seek to reduce poverty.The international community should endeavor by strengthening the international financial system, through trade, and through aid to help the poorest countries integrate into the world economy, grow more rapidly, and reduce poverty. That is the way to ensure all people in all countries have access to the benefits of globalization. How to cite Globalization Is Good, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
To Kill a Mockingbird Essay free essay sample
Prejudice towards different people is a huge part of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird novel. Nearly every little mishap in the book has been somehow linked or caused by prejudice. Naturally, the town of Maycomb is affected by it, and the effect isn’t for the best. Prejudice is a destructive force in Maycomb, bringing nothing to the town. The cause of Maycomb being destroyed is prejudice spreading hatred throughout the town, separating the people, and excluding and enabling members of the town to fully get what they need. There is a lot of hatred spread throughout Maycomb County. The town is filled with prejudice people spreading their prejudice ways to other people, or to the younger generations. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout comes home from school with racist language on her tongue, and hate for a kid in her class. Even though her father, Atticus, tries to teach his kids that being prejudice is bad, Scout picks it up anyway, from her other social activities. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another example is Francis, Jem and Scout’s cousin. His grandmother, known as Aunt Alexandra, is extremely prejudiced against black, poor, and weird people. This is a trait she has obviously spread to her grandson, and it is proven when he calls Atticus a ‘black-person lover’, tempting Scout to punch him. The third example from To Kill a Mockingbird is how Bob Ewell spits in Atticus’s face because Atticus was defending Tom, a convicted black man. Atticus was just doing his job as a lawyer, but since Bob Ewell is a prejudiced man, he felt the need to tell Atticus his place in the world, and in his mind, it’s not among the black people. All these people are consumed by hate by what the older, or other generation has burned into their brains, that it’s right to treat people based on what they look like, or believe in. Prejudice is also a destructive force because it physically and mentally separates the people of Maycomb. There are ‘groups’ in Maycomb, which are marked by one or more trait that all of the members of the group have similarly. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the people of Maycomb have two types of churches; a black-person church, and a white-person church. When Scout and Jem are taken to Calpurnia’s black-only church, it’s a surprise for all of the members of the church. At first the people react in an unpleasant way to their arrival, but then they get used to the idea of white people in their church. Another example is how the Ewells are separated from the rest of Maycomb. The Ewells are very economically unstable, so they live behind the town dump, isolated from the rest of the town. Dolphus Raymond and his family are another example of isolated residents of Maycomb. Dolphus Raymond is a white man, who is married to a black woman. In Maycomb, that is an unspeakable scandal, because blacks and whites aren’t supposed to mix. He and his kids and wife are separated from the rest of society because they are different. Jem calls Raymond’s half-white-half-black kids sad because they don’t belong anywhere. The white people don’t want to have anything to do with them because they are black, and the blacks don’t want them because they’re white. These groups are divided by thin but defined lines and people aren’t encouraged to cross them. This causes separation and it leads to the town being divided into multiple groups, all because of prejudice. Being excluded or not being able to get what you need because of prejudice is another reason why it’s a destructive force in Maycomb. The groups of people in Maycomb rarely allow different people to interact with each other. Sometimes, people get excluded because of the colour of their skin, or by the amount of money they carry in their pockets. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Helen Robinson, the wife of the convicted black man, can’t find a job after her husband gets accused of rape. She needed to support her family by getting a job, but nobody wanted to employ her because of what her husband was rumored to have done. Prejudice against Tom Robinson lead to his wife and kids not being able to get what they needed. Another example of exclusion in To Kill a Mockingbird is when Aunt Alexandra wouldn’t let Scout play with Walter Cunningham because he was poor. She says that his family is different from the Finches, and that he wasn’t as good as them. She also places certain families of Maycomb into groups that exclude the rest of the town from their activities. An example of this is when she ways that all Penfield women are flighty, after a Penfield girl giggled during church. According to her, all Maycomb families have a streak of their own, and that places them into their own groups. This lead s to exclusion from various other groups, because people don’t think you belong with them, and not being able to get what you want. If a person can’t feed their kids or support themselves, they can’t lead a good life. In all forms of prejudice, whether its racism, sexism, or ageism, it brings no good to Maycomb County, and is a destructive force to the small town. The town of Maycomb is the discriminating way it is because of prejudice people spreading hatred throughout the town, separating the people, and excluding and enabling citizens of the town to fully get what they need. Mainly all of the problems in the novel are caused by prejudice, and slowly but surely, the people of the town will have to see the effects of their ways, and their town will destruct if the prejudice people don’t change. To Kill a Mockingbird Essay free essay sample In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee demonstrates through characters of various background that maturation can lead one to develop just morals if he or she is exposed to the right type of environment. Scout and Jem Finch are able to develop a sense of empathy, selflessness, and honesty because they are raised by Atticus and are exposed to people in their family who exhibit these traits. Scout’s character is shaped by maturation as the novel progresses, she initially is a girl characterized as somewhat bratty and uncompassionate. However, with the counsel of Atticus who tells her, â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it’ †(Lee 30). Scout gains an improved sense of empathy once she has matured a few years. Being the daughter of an intelligent man, such as Atticus, serves Scout well in developing values. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Atticus is not the only one in her family who affects Scout with his display of empathy, maturity, and fairness; her Uncle Jack has equally righteous standards. As a young child who picks up what she hears, Scout catches a habit of swearing unnecessarily. Scout doesn’t realize that it is immature to use swear words at inappropriate times. â€Å"But at supper that evening when I asked him to pass the damn ham, please, Uncle Jack pointed at me. ‘See me afterwards, young lady,’ he said†(Lee 79). Scout is surrounded by the guidance of mature adults who can teach her better and Uncle Jack’s guidance causes Scout to understand that it’s improper to use profanities casually. Scout receives appropriate counsel because she is exposed to mature adults who teach her valuable principles. Like Scout, Jem Finch is able to learn moral lessons from the people who guide him. As a nine year-old boy in the beginning of the novel, Jem’s perception of courage is simplistic and naive. He perceives bravery to be accepting dares and having the guts to do daring deeds. As demonstrated by Scout’s observations, â€Å"In all his life, Jem had never declined a dare†(Lee 13). However, through various lessons about what it means to be courageous, Atticus teaches him the meaning of moral bravery. Atticus says to his son â€Å"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. Its when you know youre licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what†(Lee 112). Jem is able to learn what it truly means to be brave through the exposure to his father who manifests values of bravery, strength, and integrity. Being raised in the right kind of society allows one to develop strong values through maturation. A prime example of the negative effect that maturation has on those who are not raised in an environment of love, maturity, and happiness are the Ewell family. The Ewell’s are â€Å"the disgrace of Maycomb for three generations†who are looked at as the black sheep of Maycomb county because â€Å"none of them had done an honest day’s work in [Atticus’s] recollection†(Lee 30). Those raised in the background of the Ewell family â€Å"[are] people, but [live] like animals†and are not exposed to decent people, habits, or values. The Ewells are adamant to adapt to the standards of Maycomb’s society. â€Å" ‘There are ways of keeping them in school by force, but it’s silly to force people like the Ewells into a new environmentâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬ (Lee 30). The Ewells display closed-mindedness by not willing to attend school for a change, which portrays them as immature people. One instance in which the Ewells demonstrate bad character is when Mayella Ewell accuses Tom Robinson, an innocent man, of rape. In actuality, Mayella is the one who was seducing Tom. As a result, Mayella’s father beats her, and uses her injuries from the beatings as false evidence that Tom sexually assaulted her. Mayella’s actions are laced with dishonesty, selfishness, and a lack of empathy; her father’s are no better, revealing bigotry, prejudice, and selfishness. Mayella was not raised in a proper environment in which she could have been given the guidance to teach her the importance of honesty and other virtues, making her an unpleasant being. One’s surroundings play a large role in the ethics he or she develops. Atticus Finch is able to influence Scout and Jem in such a way that he teaches them values such as empathy, honesty, and bravery because he himself comes from a background of intelligence and moral education. Atticus chose of his own will to defend Tom Robinson in Mayella’s case when nobody else was willing to defend him because â€Å"If [he] didn’t [he] couldn’t hold up [his] head in town, [he] couldn’t represent this county in the legislature, [he] couldn’t even tell [Scout] or Jem not to do something again he]†(Lee 75). Atticus’s decision to defend Tom derived from his passion for empathy and equality. Scout and Jem are able to take after Atticus’s traits from being raised by him. Harper Lee demonstrates in To Kill a Mockingbird, using three characters that are raised in different backgrounds that maturation may teach people principles such as empathy, fairness, and nobility if they are brought about in an ethical community. Being exposed to the correct kind of environment allows one to develop good habits in life and general moral values. Guidance is important in the process of growing up because it sets examples for those who are growing, who take after what they are taught in life. The people around us shape our qualities, affecting what kind of people we will become. Who we are depends on our surroundings, which is eventually who we become. The morals we develop depend on the environment we are in throughout maturation. To Kill a Mockingbird Essay free essay sample To kill a Mockingbird Discrimination is a topic many authors have focused on for a long time. It has been the basis of many arguments, and has been around for thousands of years. Prejudice still currently affects our society today. In Harper Lee’s book, To Kill A Mockingbird, prejudice is evident in the form of social, and racial discrimination through the characters of Scout, Atticus, and Tom and some other characters in the novel. The most prominent form of racial discrimination in the book is Tom’s trial. Tom, a black male, was wrongly accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Bob Ewell comes up with this story to convince the jury that Tom is guilty, and to cover his tracks of domestic abuse. Mayella Ewell was attacked by a person who is left handed, and Tom’s left hand was crippled by an accident with a cotton gin. Although Tom had a reason for being perfectly innocent, the jury sentenced him just because it was a white woman’s words over a black male’s. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Using the example above, one finds that black men are at the lowest part of the totem pole. Page 226 says â€Å"There’s four kinds of folks in the world. There’s the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there’s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes. †Women in this time were also discriminated against. Scout is reprimanded for being a tom boy. She is told by her aunt several times that she couldn’t be a woman if she wore breeches. Her aunt also reckons that Scout should participate in feminine activities such as: playing with stoves, tea sets, and necklaces. Atticus Finch, Scouts Dad, also somewhat discriminates against women. Page 221 voices Atticus telling Jem women are not to serve on a jury. Dill explains to Scout that if girls did something that normally only boys do, she is going to be slandered for it. Scout being a tomboy is socially against the rules of this time. Discrimination will continue to be present for a long time. The novel gives hope for the future, and that there will be no more prejudice in the modern and future world. Many characters of Maycomb want to change the views of the prejudiced townsfolk, even though discrimination is a difficult force to defeat. People who have read this novel are sure to become aware of things, such as prejudice, happening all around them. To Kill a Mockingbird Essay free essay sample The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee has caused several controversies. Many school systems have banned this novel from reading due to the harsh content while other schools have not. This novel should not be banned from Stafford County school systems. To Kill a Mockingbird exposes readers to the reality of American history, teaches students valuable life lessons, it is a highly entertaining novel, and our right to freedom of press in the First Amendment. Many believe To Kill a Mockingbird should be banned in school systems, but this novel exposes readers to the reality of American history. Whether society wants to believe it or not, the events in this book did happen more than we would have liked. For example, Tom Robinson’s trial, Tom was innocent, but the jury tried him as guilty because of the color of his skin. Situations like the trial happened many times in history and this novel perhaps helps us to understand why. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The novel also explains what society thought of mixed children or interracial couples. Though this novel uses profaned language, it emphasizes the harshness of the past and allows readers a view into a part of American history that readers will not want to repeat. To Kill a Mockingbird does not only teach about history, it also teaches students valuable life lessons. In this novel, Atticus Finch teaches Scout the valuable lesson of not judging someone until you’ve walked in their shoes. Not only does the story line mention Atticus explaining this lesson to Scout, it grows on that idea and shows how Scout applies it to her life situations. While reading about Scout applying this lesson, it gets readers to think how they could apply it to their own lives. The lesson is a very commonly heard one, but Harper Lee writes it in a way that readers will never forget. Harper Lee made To Kill a Mockingbird a highly entertaining novel. Throughout the story there are laughable moments. This novel doesn’t only have enjoyable moments like Jem showing Scout his â€Å"chest hair†, but it also has moments with great suspense such as Jem’s pants getting caught on the Radley’s fence. Harper Lee has impressive writing skills, she was able to compact the feelings of suspense, comedy, anger, sadness, and many more all into one novel. No student should ever miss out on such a fantastically written book because their school is apprehensive on exposing students to entertainment. Lastly, School systems should not ban To Kill a Mockingbird because of our right to Freedom of the Press in the First Amendment. The meaning of Freedom of the Press means the right to write freely, however why write something if it will not be read by an audience it is meant for? A current controversy is it appropriate to judge a book written in a different era based on the standards of today’s society? That being said, most school systems ban our rights of reading what was freely written because they believe banning it will protect students from the racial past. What the school systems do not realize is, they are cutting students off from learning the truth and if we do not learn from history, are we doomed to repeat it? The banning of this novel is pure ignorance. To Kill a Mockingbird should not be banned form Stafford County school systems. This novel allows students to learn an important part of history, and it teaches them unforgettable life values. To Kill a Mockingbird is a great source of entertainment and banning it will go against historical rights. Racial comments, bigotry, and events did happen in history. Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird is able to explain the racial depths of the past with realistic situations. Everyone should have a chance to read, discuss, and understand this novel in a school environment.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Consider David Starkeys and Francis Pryors respective versions Essays
Consider David Starkeys and Francis Pryors respective versions Essays Consider David Starkeys and Francis Pryors respective versions Essay Consider David Starkeys and Francis Pryors respective versions Essay Essay Topic: Burial Rites There is considerable speculation over the events of this period depending on the background of the Historian or Archaeologist and on the sources they depend upon. Therefore it comes as no surprise that there is such a stark contrast between the interpretations of Starkey and Pryor regarding the events following the fall of Roman administration in 410. Starkey argues a full blown invasion by Germanic tribes as described by Bede and Gildas. This was ethnic cleansing at its most savagely effective. Pryor on the other hand believes in continuity, that life went on just as it had during and even before the Romans. He argues that rather than the invasion force there were a few economic migrants. In this scenario, life went on as it did during Roman times and the only change was this cultural exchange.When one looks beyond Starkey and Pryor and at other historians (and archaeologists) you find that there seem to be four distinct possibilities for what happened after Romans left Britain. Th e first is migration; under this interpretation the country was flooded by economic migrants from the Germanic tribes who had been displaced by pressure from the Huns who were rapidly advancing through Germany. After a couple of generations the different ethnicities would have mixed significantly to cr4eate a single culture which would have been predominately Anglo Saxon due to the lack of any clearly defined culture left after the falling Roman Empire. The second theory is invasion again by Germanic tribes. In this interpretation there would be masses of Angles and Saxons who arrived by boat and started a violent conquest of the new lands. Initially they might have been invited in by the Britons as mercenaries, and these then sent back for more men before uprising against their masters, or they could have arrived independent of the locals knowledge.The third theory is that Britain was conquered by a small Germanic Elite. This would not be the massive invasion army which is suggest ed by the invasion theory but rather a group of nobles with the aid of their War bands. With their noble ranking they would not just subjugate the country through the use of their war bands but also by manipulating the political scene and playing an active part in politics within the rapidly declining towns. The last theory is simply cultural exchange. Under this theory, there was little migration; but rather the Romano British with a limited cultural exposure left after the departure of the Romans in 410 imported different elements of Germanic culture while forming new trading partners (with Germanic tribes).When one looks generally at the way in which different people approach the problem of determining what happened in this period you can usually split it into two camps. The historians tend to rely amuch more on the written evidence (which in this period is nearly non existent except for Gildas and there are serious questions about the reliability of all written documents in thi s period), while the Archaeologists looks at the archaeology and the other modern investigative techniques. However, while these might be much more reliable, they can only suggest possibilities for what happened. What few have failed to grasp in that the only way to approach this problem is to use both and see where they compliment and contradict each other and try and build a picture from then onwards.There are a number of different interpretations of the Roman to Anglo Saxon transition. The establishment view is that Roman Britain wound down slowly between 400 and 500. Roman culture is in decline from c.360 and has no presence after 450. Anglo Saxons dominate the country during the 5th Century having migrated from Holland, Northern Germany and Denmark and colonise eastern parts of England. Tradition suggests that Hengest and Horsa were invited over by Vortigen to fight against the Picts. The Britons and returned to a Celtic Iron Age way of life similar to the Anglo Saxons. They l ived in warring tribal Kingdoms and around 550 they start to make progress through the west. Richard Reece based his interpretations from excavations in Cirencester. His view was that Roman Britain was in decline during the 3rd Century and by 400 most of the Roman institutions had disappeared and that the towns were merely administrative centres. He argues that there were no mass migrations of Anglo Saxons but Anglo Saxon fashion became popular in 5th Century eastern England.The Discontinuity view suggests that Roman Britain flourished until c. AD 400, but then dramatically collapsed and nothing was left of the old Roman system after 430. Pagan Anglo Saxons then migrated into Eastern England, but in lesser numbers than thought previously. Both Britons and Anglo Saxons were ruled by Kings who were in a knock out competition for tribal dominance. Anglo Saxons eventually prevailed and gradually spread their culture and language throughout the rest of the country. Nicholas Highams view is similar to this view. However; the Britons survive using Roman institutions into the 5th Century. Britain is divided into two zones: 1) the highly Romanized Christian elite in the east and 2) A pagan, un Romanized upper class in the west. During the early 5th Century, defence of the east depended upon the use of Anglo Saxon mercenaries. These rebelled and the Western kingdoms became subordinate to the Anglo Saxons before AD 500. Anglo Saxon culture was adopted by the Britons and the Anglo Saxons retained elements of the Roman Administration.There is evidence for Anglo Saxon pressure on the Islands before 400, with a major raid (or even an invasion attempt) around 367. This is known as the Barbarian conspiracy as during this time, Britain came under attack from all sides the Saxons from the East, the Picts from the North and the Irish from the West. Around 383 a group of fortifications were built along the Yorkshire coast. All this continues to demonstrate the pressures and at least the reality of the threat of invasion by Anglo Saxon. Zosimus writes that in 410 there was a major Barbarian invasion of Gaul and says The Barbarians from beyond the Rhine, ravaging everything at pleasure, compelled both the inhabitants of the British Isle and some of the peoples of Gaul to secede from the Empire of the Romans and to live independent of them, no longer obeying the Roman Laws. This fits in with the discontinuity interpretation.It also continues to agree with the war like nature of the Germanic tribes as written about by Caesar and Tacitus. It is a matter of the greatest glory to the tribes to lay waste, as widely as possible, the lands bordering their territory, thus making them uninhabitable. They regard it as the best proof of their valour that their neighbours are forced to withdraw from those lands and hardly anyone dares set foot there1 Tacitus echoes these sentiments. Therefore one would expect if any migration were to take place then it would have a l argely violent nature to it, rather than the peaceful migration which post revisionist historians have suggested.Due to the fact that Gildas is one of the few sources in this period any mistakes in this source are likely to be replicated or even exaggerated in further sources, as is suspected in Bede and the Anglo Saxon Chronicle (A.S.C) (although there were other sources used for the Chronicle than Gildas). However, using these sources can give us a rough framework for what might have happened during this period, and thus we can identify a number of key stages. By looking at these alongside the modern techniques and the archaeology we can get a fairly accurate picture of what could have happened. Henson has done a good start with this book The origins of the Anglo Saxons in which he has collated all the data from Gildas, Bede and the A.S.C. This information is used below to lay out a rough idea of what happened during that period.In 410, Roman Soldiers left Britain due to pressure s affecting Rome itself. After several Saxon raids and increasing pressure from the Picts and the Scots (and with the refusal of any help from Rome) it was decided to hire Germanic mercenaries in 428. In 430, Hengest returned to Britain with his Son Octa and more mercenaries to defend the north from the Picts. Hengest married his Daughter off to Vortigern in return for Kent. Around 433, Diplomacy breaks down between the Britons and Hengest, resulting in a war. In 435 0 all German mercenaries under Hengest were expelled and returned to Germany. Around 444 Amrbosius takes over the leadership of the fight against the Saxons.Aurelianus became leader for 32 years. After his death, his brother Uther succeeded him and fought a further war with Octa and defeats him at Verulamium between 488 and 491. In 495 Arthur (The mythical status of Arthur is disputed however it appears that there was some sort of successful leader around this time who is referred to as Arthur) succeeded his father and continued the fight leading to a decisive victory over the Saxons at Badon Hill around 499. This led to a stop in the Anglo Saxon advance, and was the last country wide native poltical ruler. After Arthurs death, the Anglo Saxons began to return in around 527 (possibly invited by some of the British Tribes) and began winning battles against the British (who were suffering more from plagues than the Anglo Saxons were). For the next 100 years there is continued fighting between the British and the Anglo Saxons, with the Saxons gradually creeping west through the country. According to the A.S.C this expansion began in around 550.Although a general picture, we can identify four main stages. The first is from 400 to 440, 446 being around the time when the rebellion against the Britons began by German Mercenaries (Henson places this 13 years earlier due to the difference between the calendars in use by Gildas). The continuing fight is the second stage spanning from the start of the rebell ion in 440 to the Battle of Badon in around 500. The third stage is that of British rule up to around 550 when the Anglo Saxons begin to expand throughout the country. The last stage is continued expansion throughout the country. There were regional variations as one would expect considering the size of the country and the variety of society in this area.The fundamental different traditions in burial between Anglo Saxons and Britons mean that it is very easy to identify the differences and with the use of Radio Carbon Dating one can plot the changing fashions around the country. Taylor states New burial customs are a highly visible element in the early history of Anglo Saxon England, the change from late Roman graves being as distinctive as any of the upheavals brought about by the ending of the Roman Empire.2 It can be seen that as time goes on, burial rites change.Initially we see the introduction of Anglo Saxon tradition as seen by the presence of grave goods or cremation (which would not be present in Christian Romano British graves) and the gradual spreading of these tradition westwards following the Saxons as they spread throughout the country. Heinrich Harke suggests that many Britons survived the initial entry of the Anglo Saxons and instead were integrated into Anglo Saxon society. In his article Finding Britons in Anglo Saxon graves he gives evidence to suggest that the reason that many archaeologists cant find British graves, is because they are actually buried in Anglo Saxon settlements and cemeteries. This could suggest that the Anglo Saxons effectively subdued these areas with quicker speed than suggested and the Britons then served as slaves or workers.However, it could also suggest peaceful co existence between the two races. As time goes on, Anglo Saxon style burials become more frequent until the time of the Anglo Saxon conversion to Christianity. When one compares Anglo Saxon pottery from eastern England and from Schleswig Holstein and Lower Saxony, there are striking similarities in style, shape and size. These indicate at the very least cultural exchange and some sort of trading. However when one looks at the data collated on the number of finds of such pottery and on products such as amber (which is native to the areas where Anglo Saxons and Jutes would have resided before coming to Britain), the scale of the area and the number of finds suggest much more than mere trading but rather a movement in people into Eastern England and then further a field. Settlement evidence suggests a complete break in building traditions.Some use of pre-existing Roman foundations has been found like in Wroxeter but on the whole settlements were of a completely different style to anything seen in Britain previously. This again reaffirms the suggestion that Anglo Saxons migrated into England but not entirely in what fashion. West Heslerton is very suggestive of the nature of the relationship between Anglo Saxons and the locals. The fact that there do not appear to be any form of defence around the settlement can either show that the Britons were not considered a threat (and the Anglo Saxons had subjugated them) or that the Anglo Saxons were there with the Britons permission and this suggests a more peaceful co existence interpretation of the data.DNA evidence shows that the lack of presence of a gene in most areas of Britain which is prevalent in most areas of Frisia and Schleswig is suggestive of a cultural assimilation.3 However, considering that since the arrival of the Anglo Saxons, Britain has had a large number of different genes introduced by other migrating people. The Vikings and the Normans are also likely to give different genes to the native country. More recently with the levels of immigration the genes are considerably more mixed up than one would expect. Oxygen isotope analysis shows similar problems with finding individuals from the Anglo Saxon homelands showing most of the teeth found at Wes t Heslerton were native to Britain. 4 This clearly contradicts other theories, however one has no idea about the make up of society at that point, and there can potentially be a large number of unfound Anglo Saxon settlements which might prove otherwise.A better interpretation suggests that mercenaries were initially invited into the country to provide protection. In concordance with their war like nature they start their rebellion (Hensons date). However, at this stage they are not strong enough and are forced out of the country. Roger of Wendover suggests that this occurs in around 435. In around 440 the Saxons return in greater numbers and begin to make advances through the country. For the next fifty years there is a constant battle for control of the island, with Ambrosius taking control of the fight in 444. The advance of the Saxons is stopped in around 500 with the Battle of Badon hill (which has been attributed to this Arthur figure Arthur in this case is used as a front fo r the real successful British ruler around this time).Following this there is a time of peace where Arthur rules the island and is the last point of native rule. After Arthurs death, the resistance to the Anglo Saxons starts failing when tribal politics begin to become an issue and at the least co operation begins to stop. Not surprisingly, the Anglo Saxons start to make large advances through the country. By 575 the east is secure and movement through the west is still progressing. Using the Settlement evidence found at West Heslerton which like many other Anglo Saxon settlements does not have any form of defence of palisade suggests that the Anglo Saxons felt secure in this area. The warriors are followed by a large number of economic migrants which set up large trade routes between Britain and their former native countries. This accounts for the density in material which is found. The Anglo Saxons have control of Britain until 1066.In conclusion, it can be seen that the picture concerning Britain during this time is much more complex than merely invasion or migration. It is a case of tribal politics, a falling Empire and a vacuous people who have little culture and even less ability of defence. The inviting of Anglo Saxons to act as mercenaries spells the end of Romano Britain. However, even with all modern technology, techniques and expertise, there is still a lot more myth and speculation concerning this time period than fact, and that is probably going to be the case forever. Kemble in 1849 said in despair from what has preceded it will be inferred that I look upon the details of the German conquests in England as irrevocably lost to us.5
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Close the Gap on Prefixes and Suffixes
Close the Gap on Prefixes and Suffixes Close the Gap on Prefixes and Suffixes Close the Gap on Prefixes and Suffixes By Mark Nichol Thanks to widespread confusion about the correct treatment of prefixes and suffixes, syllables and words attached before or after root words, many people persist in inserting hyphens more frequently than necessary. Essentially, however, hyphens seldom belong in prefixed and suffixed words: Prefixes and root words are almost always combined without hyphens (prepaid, nonprofit, posttraumatic). Exceptions include when the root word is a proper noun (un-Christian, anti-Semitic) or a number (â€Å"pre-2010 models†), or when the first letter of the root word and the prefix’s last letter are the same (anti-intellectual, co-opt). Repetitions of consonants, however (nonnative), are not excepted. Some prefixes, like vice, unfortunately, are used indiscriminately; they may be disconnected (â€Å"vice president†), hyphenated (vice-regent), or closed up (viceregal). And then there are antonyms styled at odds with each other, such as on-screen and offscreen. (Easy solution: Reconcile them one way or the other.) Other idiosyncratic instances of hyphenation include ambiguous treatments like re-cover in the sense of â€Å"to cover again,†rather than â€Å"to retrieve,†mid before a numbered century (â€Å"mid-twenty-first century†or â€Å"mid-21st century†), and non attached to an phrasal adjective (â€Å"non-meat-eating†). A common error is to refer to very large amounts of money with a phrase like â€Å"multi-billion-dollar budget†or, worse, â€Å"multi-billion dollar budget.†However, words prefixed by multi need no hyphen: â€Å"multibillion-dollar budget.†The en dash, a hyphen on steroids, is used when the link must carry more weight: when prefixes and suffixes are linked to permanent open compounds to form phrasal adjectives. Examples include â€Å"postCivil War era†and â€Å"high schoolage drivers.†Suffixes are rarely hyphenated, either (airborne, lifelike, nationwide). Some sources suggest hyphenating borne, like, and wide to a word three or more syllables long, but it’s not necessary; communitywide, for example, may look cumbersome, but it’s best to be consistent. However, words ending in l, and most proper nouns, retain a hyphen when linked to like, and proper nouns linked to wide are always hyphenated. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:35 Synonyms for â€Å"Look†In Search of a 4-Dot Ellipsis25 Idioms About Bread and Dessert
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Introducation to computer science assingment Assignment
Introducation to computer science assingment - Assignment Example Q6. The value that can be retrieved from the table by the pop instruction is 11 C. this is because it is possible to get the pointer in to the first element of the vector through incrementing this pointer in order to access the second pointer. The value that will be found in the pointer after the pop operation is 12 A. on the other hand, the deque is not a guarantee of a contiguous storage which contains the same elements (10, 11 12) and getting the pointer to the first element does not guarantee that you will get access to the second pointer by incrementing the pointer (Finkel, 1996) Q7. Assuming that the stricture above represents a queue, the value that will be removed from the queue is 14.this is because it is obtained after several increments of 10. The head pointer will next point at 13 which will be the value before 14. *In order to obtain the left child of a certain index, we multiply the current index 2 and we add 1. *for us to get the right child on this specific index, we multiply the current index by 2 and then we add 2. Q10. The reference data types are used to refer to objects while the primitive data types usually contain some values. Some of the example of primitive data type includes the byte, int Boolean and the float. Q11. When writing a chessboard structure that has an 8-by-8 grid, the programmer can consider using arrays that contains chess like structure which is a two dimension array. In order to store the position of the chess piece. The two dimension array is used in pinpointing individual elements in the array (Finkel,
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Cornish identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cornish identity - Essay Example In a society, an individual takes different roles, which is why his identity too changes with each context. An individual is identified as a person, as a part of a community, religion, culture, race, gender and so on. As today's societies are multicultural, people of different cultures co-exist and identities are being given more prominence. People follow diverse religions and come from different races. National identity in the contemporary world means a group of people following the social culture. Even people of different religions speak the same language, eat the same food, dress in a similar way, and follow a common lifestyle and social behavior. "Thus, culture determines national identity. Culture makes a nation's growth and evolution possible; culture is an ingrained aspect of society through its historical experience rather than a collection of codes or conventions that are imposed by theocratic or secular state systems." (Koushan 2008). A knowledge about their separate religi ons and races will not act as a barrier in being a part of the nation in which they live. This paper analyses the Cornish identity and its formation using examples.Benedict Anderson, in his article 'Imagined Communities' say that nation is just a concept created by the society. Individuals in a nation are not all familiar with each other. Still, there exists a kind of nationhood in them when someone represents their nation in international events. I propose the following "definition of the nation: it is an imagined political community - and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign." (Anderson 1999, p.6). Cornwall is a part of the British Isles, where a vast majority of its inhabitants consider themselves as Cornish and not as British or English. The Cornish people are proud of their Cornish identity and consider Cornwall as a different imagined community. Bernard Deacon in his book says, "Our names therefore define who we are in the present, who we were in the past and the imagined community to which we belong now and once belonged." (Deacon 2004, p.56). Presently, the inhabitants of Cornwall include a lot of immigrant people, reducing the percentage of population of Cornish birth to 50. However, studies show that it is not the number that matters, but their thoughts. Carrick District council did a private sector housing survey in 1996 and it was found that despite a low percentage of native Cornish people, more than 37 percent of the population called themselves Cornish and not their original ethnic group. "Again, this implies a considerable willingness to self-define as 'Cornish'. This is especially the case as the Cornish-born are more likely to be in public sector housing." (Perceptions). Cornishness is represented and evident in their language, sports, politics, geography and even commercial products. "Despite the communications and transport revolution, international media and the inward migration of the twentieth century, Cornwall remains nevertheless decidedly special." (Cornwall 2007). Among these, Cornish language is of great significance in their lives. In the sixteenth century, English was imposed on the Cornish people and this was opposed and resisted by many people. As a result, modern Cornish emerged in the eighteenth century. It was successfully revived in the twentieth century with slight changes and Cornish is a language which people commonly use to speak and write. This situation is the result of a conscious effort to revive the language. Now, it is taught in schools and colleges in order to popularize it even more. There are films made in Cornish. Cornwall has hosted the International Celtic Film Festival in which Cornish films are included. There are magazines in Cornish and many shops are named in Cornish. As a result, the UK government officially recognized Cornish language as a minority language, which is a real achievement for the Cornish people. Nick Raynsford, the Local government and Regions Minister said, "This is a positive step in acknowledging the symbolic
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Opening A Cafe In Moscow Russia Marketing Essay
Opening A Cafe In Moscow Russia Marketing Essay We are a newly established company in food and drink industry. We plan to set up our first cafà © shop in a business area in Moscow, Russia. We want to differentiate ourselves from our competitors by providing high product quality and high service quality. Our cafà © shop is not only a place for people to enjoy life but also a suitable place to work. Russia is a very different in culture (Euro-Asia) comparing to other western countries. It changes so quickly that we need to work deeply on our marketing plan to adapt to this fast changing market. 2. Market Analysis 2.1. The Market of Russia Russia is the worlds largest country in terms of area, stretching from the Baltic to the Pacific across 10 time zones, with an estimated population of 144 million. Russia is one of the fastest growing emerging markets at present with a GDP growth of 7 percent in 2008. Revenue from crude oil and natural gas exports and strong domestic demand are contributing to a booming economy, making it the bright spot in an otherwise challenging region. Russia ranked third, in A.T. Kearneys Global Retail Development Index 2008, which qualifies it as one of the most attractive retail markets for international investors. Robust income growth, a reduction in unemployment, consistent government policy and a rapidly increasing middle class offer optimistic expectations for the future development of retailing in Russia. 2.2.The Market of Moscow ¼Ã‹â€ where we want to set up our first cafà ©Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° Moscow is the capital and the largest city of the Russian Federation. It is also the largest city in Europe, with the Moscow metropolitan ranking among the largest urban areas in the world. Moscow is a major political, economic, cultural, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the world. 2.2.1. Population According to the 2002 Census the population of the Moscow was 10,382,754, however, this figure only takes into account legal residents. Substantial numbers of internal migrants mean that Moscows population is still increasing. 2.2.2. Economy Moscow is a major economic centre and is home to the largest number of billionaires in the world, which is the reason why we choose Moscow to start our Cafà © chain business before expand to other cities of Russia. Since a significant portion of Russias profits and development is concentrated in Moscow as many multi-national corporations have branches and offices in the city, we may consider whether to target this segment of white-collar working class by providing a special quieter area in our coffee shop especially for them, with Wi-Fi free of charge, making them feel that our coffee shop is a suitable place to work while enjoying their coffee break. 2.2.3. Crime However, while the overall stability has improved in the recent years, crime continues to remain a problem hindering business development. Pick-pocketing is frequent in Moscow, as well as burglary from vehicles. Organized crime in Moscow and Russia in general, has often been involved with drug trafficking, cyber crime, prostitution, and financial crimes. Thus, we have to consider the security level when we are selecting the location of our coffee shop(s), not only for the safety of our shop itself, but for the safety of our employees and our customers. 2.2.4. Transportation Air There are five primary commercial airports serving Moscow: Sheremetyevo International Airport, Domodedovo International Airport, Bykovo Airport, Ostafievo International Airport and Vnukovo International Airport. We may consider whether we open a coffee shop inside the Sheremetyevo International Airport or/and the Domodedovo International Airport, as Sheremetyevo International Airport is the most common entry point for foreign passengers, handling 60% of all international flights, while Domodedovo International Airport is the leading airport in Russia in terms of passenger throughput, and is the primary gateway to long-haul domestic and CIS destinations and its international traffic rivals Sheremetyevos. Metro Local transport includes the Moscow Metro, a metro system famous for its art, murals, mosaics, and ornate chandeliers. Today, the Moscow Metro contains twelve lines, mostly underground with a total of 177 stations. The Moscow Metro is one of worlds busiest metro systems, serving more than nine million passengers daily. Again, when selecting the location of our coffee shop, we have to take into account the transportation factor. We must choose a place where it is not only easy to recognize but also convenient to arrive at. 2.2.5. Internet User Internet penetration is lower than in Western countries, although it is developing at a fast pace in Russia, and is currently at 30.2%. The number of internet users has risen from just 220,000 in 1995 to 42,936,000 users in 2007. Service providers are expanding beyond their traditional markets in Moscow and St. Petersburg into Russias regions. Although still low at around 38%, PC penetration improved rapidly from less than 1% in 1990. Continued growth in the home ownership of PCs will spur further development in the number of internet users as PC ownership and internet development are closely linked. Possession of PC and growth of internet users: 2002-2007  ¼Ã‹â€ Source: Euromonitor International from national statistics/ITU ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° 3. Industrial Analysis 3.1. Foodservice Industry in Russia Cafà ©s and restaurants account for 37.3% of the industrys value in 2007. 3.1.1. Market Value Forecast The compound annual growth rate of the industry in the period 2007-2012 is predicted to be 5.1%. 3.1.2. Market Volume Forecast The compound annual growth rate of the industry volume in the period 2007-2012 is predicted to be 0.3%. From the above data, we can see that the market volume for the next 5 years is expected to grow steadily but low in growth rate, In 2012, the Russian foodservice industry is forecast to have a volume of 5,112.1 million transactions, an increase of 1.7% since 2007, while the market value during this period will enjoy a healthy growth. In 2012, it is forecast to have a value of $6.5 billion (165.6RUR billion), an increase of 28.3% since 2007. That is to say, the market will be in a trend with low volume of transactions but can generate higher value. This information will lead us to differentiate our cafà © shop from other common coffee shops by providing high quality of products and service with comparatively higher prices. 3.2. Hot Drinks Industry in Russia Coffee sales proved the most lucrative for the Russian hot drinks market in 2007, generating total revenues of $2.5 billion, equivalent to 64.1% of the markets overall value. In comparison, sales of tea generated revenues of $1.3 billion in 2007, equating to 33.5% of the markets aggregate revenues. 3.2.1. Market Value Forecast The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2007-2012 is predicted to be 2.2%. 3.2.2. Market Volume Forecast The compound annual growth rate of the market volume in the period 2007-2012 is predicted to be 0.9%. In 2012, the Russian hot drinks market is forecast to have a value of $4.3 billion, an increase of 11.3% since 2007, and a volume of 285.8 million kg, an increase of 4.7% since 2007. Again, the above data justifies our decision of entering Russia market, as coffee still remains the most popular and important hot drinks among Russians. Buyer Power Self-realized muscovite people with high consumption potential Spontaneous group of people buying compulsively Needs and wants change very quickly 3.3.Porter five forces Indirect Competitors Retail stores and malls New Players New large groups like Starbuck chain look at enter the market Long time to enter the market because of barrier of laws and government Number of new players already in the market Foodservice Industry Russia Number of new companies, choice offered to the customer Higher growth in value than in volume Differentiation in product quality and visibility Brand building is key for this market very competitive market Services alliances (suppliers) Necessity to make alliances with suppliers to survive Importance of having good quality food at low price  ¼Ã‹â€ Source ¼Ã… ¡DataMonitor Published September 2008) 3.4. SWOT analysis STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Strong market growth Purchasing high quality raw materials give us a competitive advantage Being able to adapt our product and business model to the market needs and wants customer changes Strong market study to verify our assumptions on the field and later on adaptation through regular surveys Strong operation process Alliances with suppliers Staying aware of the different cultures that exist in Moscow Strong values in accordance with customers own values (e.g. on quality respect) Time to implement the structure due to our lack of market knowledge Seasoned industry (week-end and days off for holidays because of business area) High cost for commodities (high level of equipment required) Build a partnership with business partners can be long and not solid enough Lack of stability of human resources OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Taking into account the market changes High capacity for adaptation Having a leading strategy In Moscow will put us one step ahead from competitors, is a key factor to create a new trend Create a team spirit in the company that keep Faithful the human resources Government regulation: Competitors like Starbuck Coffee with a financial advantage Market demand difficult to evaluate 4. Strategies Our strategy is a market penetration strategy, focusing reaching a new customer market niche. Current products New products Current Markets Market penetration Strategy Product-development Strategy New Markets Market development Strategy Diversification Strategy Source: Strategies for diversification by Igor Ansoff Our approach is to enhance relationships with our customers, the self-realized people that it corresponds to middle-aged people with a high consumption potential. 4.1. Objectives (a 5-year Plan) Investment: 100,000 euros for the first cafà © shop Timetable: Time actions results T0 +6 months Marketing study T0 + 12 months Preparation for the establishment of our first cafà © in Moscow Get everything done before operation (place, suppliers, HR, etc) T0+30 months (to be consolidated) (Breakeven point) (estimated after 18 months of operation) operation of our first Cafà © shop and consolidation At least to reach breakeven T0+36 months Find investors and prepare to open the second cafà © shop Open the second cafà © in the same city T0+ 60 months Find investors and prepare to open more cafà © shop Expend more cafà © shops in other cities in Russia Quantifiable Average number of customer per day Number of days of operation per year (5 days / week) Total sales per year Estimated profit after 2 years of operation (5%) 300 400 250 days 500,000 euros 25000 euros per year Achievable We think that our objectives are achievable and this lowest estimate will be consolidated. 4.2. Segmentation/Targeting To be useful, market segments must rate favorably on five keys criteria: It has to be measurable, substantial, accessible, differentiable and actionable. (Source Kotler Keller Marketing management second edition) The segment, we have chosen for this marketing plan complies with those criteria. Our target is the Self realized groups of Customers: What are their characteristics? Self-realized group is middle-aged people with a higher proportion of women. They have a high consumption potential. Their values go to life quality and healthcare. On the opposite of innovators group or spontaneous ones, they dont like advertisement. They want to make their own choice based on the facts they have access. What are our assumptions regarding to the benefits this type of customers want to find when entering in our Cafà ©? The list of characteristics we need to measure thanks to a marketing survey before applying to our Cafà © are the followings. Quality 1st Quick to get Comfortable when having more time Segmentation Customer type Benefits Innovators Spontaneous Ambitious Self-realized Settled Traditionalists Thrifty High quality drinks/food 3 1 5 1 5 2 6 High quality service 4 2 6 2 6 1 6 Relaxing area 2 5 4 4 2 4 5 Nice working area (with wi-fi) 6 6 1 3 4 6 5 Nice place to meet people 1 3 2 6 1 5 4 Takeaway/Phone order delivery service 5 4 3 5 3 3 4 Segment B A C A C D D Targeting: We want to target segment A which include Spontaneous and self-realized people. The second largest group, the Spontaneous, is dominated by men and singles, and they often buy goods impulsively. The Self-realised are middle-aged people, with a higher proportion of women, and a high consumption potential. This important group tends to be irritated by advertising, valuing quality and pays attention to healthcare. Explanation of the customer types in segmentation: Region-Media, specialists in Russian advertising, have conveniently identified seven types of consumers in this market. The growing group of Innovators are mainly based in Moscow, prefer to spend their free time involved in sports activities and active leisure and eat out in restaurants featuring exotic cuisine. The second largest group, the Spontaneous, is dominated by men and singles, and they often buy goods impulsively. The cluster of the Ambitious is smaller, and relies on advertising when looking for a product. The Self-realized are middle-aged people, with a higher proportion of women, and a high consumption potential. This important group tends to be irritated by advertising, valuing quality and pays attention to healthcare. The largest group are the Settled (25% of consumers in Russia and 21% in Moscow), a rather traditional group with great brand affinity: innovations barely interest them. The Traditionalists pack a low consumer potential, as half of them are retired and lo yal to retail outlets that have survived since Soviet times. The last and smallest cluster, Thrifty, mainly shops in discount shops. (Source: www.euromonitor.com Top 10 consumer trends in Russia) 4.3. Positioning To convince customers of our targeted segment that coming in our cafà © will offer the benefits they need. To spontaneous and self-realized people in Moscow that our cafà © shop is a nice place for both working and relaxation, because it offers products and services in high quality, free wi-fi access, takeaway/ phone order delivery services, 4.4. Designing the Offer ( Marketing Mix) 4.4.1. Products We offer high quality drinks and healthy food with first rate raw material. For us, products must be natural and fresh. Examples: Coffee ¼Ã… ¡ The basic offer contains, cappuccino, latte and espressos made with grains from different countries as Brazil, Italia, Colombia or Kenya. Chocolate: Our Caramel Chocolate is a creation with cold chocolate, whipped cream and a drizzle of hot caramel syrup. The Canadian chocolate is made with dark chocolate and cranberries. Tea: Our basic offer is represented by international flavour as Green tea and white tea from Japan and China and yellow tea, a very rare and delicate blend from China. The last one is Ceylon tea, a black tea from Sri Lanka. We also offer flavoured teas as Jasmine tea from India, a combination of green tea and oxidized jasmine flowers. The Mint tea from Morocco is Gunpowder tea in which is added, during the infusion, fresh mint leaves and sugar. And finally, Earl Grey tea that is a tea blend with a distinctive flavour and aroma derived from the addition of oil extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange, a fragrant citrus fruit. Our Cafe Menu COFFEECHOCOLATE Espresso The essence of coffee extracted into a concentrated one ounce beverage Espresso Macchiato A shot of espresso marked with a dollop of foamed milk Traditional Cappuccino Espresso combines with a velvety milk foam. _ 1/3 espresso _ 1/3 steamed milk _ 1/3 frothed milk Mocha Espresso with foamed milk with chocolate syrup or powder added Latte Espresso combines with steamed milk, topped with a small amount of milk foam. _ 1/3 espresso _ 2/3 milk Americano Espresso diluted (after brewing) with an equal portion of hot water Latte Art Latte Rosetta Hot Chocolate Mexican Chocolate Canadian chocolate Caramel Chocolate TEA Bushells, Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Vanilla, Arctic Fire. Herbal Teas: Red Zinger, Chamomile, Lemon, Peppermint Ceylon tea: a black tea from Sri Lanka Green tea yellow tea: from China White tea: from Japan Jasmine tea: from India Mint tea: from Morocco SOUP Tomato Dill Soup Creamy tomato soup with chunks of sweet tomato. Topped with sour cream. Chicken Tortilla Soup Steamy chicken broth loaded with smoked chicken, jack and cheddar cheeses, tortilla strips and scallions. Potato Cheese Soup Rich and creamy potato soup topped with jack and cheddar cheeses, bacon and scallions. Hot borchtch (à ‘à  ¾Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ °): Traditional Russians soups made with beetroot, beans, cabbage, carrots and beef with thick dark bread. Butternut Squash and Sage Soup Olive oil, onion, squashes, fresh sage, chicken broth , salt and freshly ground black pepper Shrimp and Basil Bisque Unsalted butter, onion , carrots , celery , bay leaf, long-grain rice, chopped tomatoes, basil leaves, heavy cream, salt and freshly ground black pepper White Bean and Rosemary Soup with Roasted Garlic Croutons Unsalted butter, olive oil, onion, carrots, celery, vegetable broth, fresh rosemary Creamy Potato Soup with Sour Cream, Bacon and Chives Bacon, onion, garlic, potatoes, chicken broth, salt and freshly ground black pepper , sour cream, Cheddar cheese ,chives Wintertime Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Croutons Olive oil, celery, carrot, tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, vegetable broth, bay leaf, cream salt and freshly ground black pepper Stracciatella (Italian Egg Drop Soup) Chicken broth, eggs, grated Parmesan cheese, plus more for garnish, semolina flour, spinach, parsley, nutmeg, salt and freshly ground black pepper Mushroom Solyanka: cabbage with vinegar, tomatoes, and cucumber pickles, with little brine, mushrooms, onions, lemon skin. SALAD House Salad Mixed field greens with hearts of palm, red cabbage carrots. Served with your choice of a Candle dressing. Classic Caesar Romaine lettuce with herbed croutons in a creamy caesar dressing and sprinkled with toasted dulse. Chicken Salad Mixed leaves, chicken pieces, cucumber, tomato, corn, boiled egg and dijon mustard dressing Soba Noodle Salad Soba Noodles, ginger grilled tofu, shiitake mushrooms, edamame, julienne carrots, radish and sesame seeds over mesclun with a creamy wasabi dressing. Roasted Pear Salad Arugula, roasted pears, shaved fennel, cashew-tofu cheese and toasted walnuts. Served with a cranberry vinaigrette dressing. Aztec Salad Bi-color quinoa, black beans, red onions jicama topped with spiced pumpkin seeds and barbequed grilled tempeh. served over mixed field greens with a toasted cumin vinaigrette. Buffalo Chicken Salad Fried chicken tossed with spicy Buffalo sauce and served over a bed of mixed greens with Bleu Cheese crumbles, mushrooms, tomatoes and eggs. Best with Bleu Cheese dressing. California Bleu Salad Fresh mixed greens topped with Bleu Cheese crumbles, spicy sugared walnuts and fresh strawberries. Served with Bleu Cheese toast. Best with Sweet Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing. Hawaiian Chicken Shrimp Salad A skewer of spicy grilled shrimp and tender diced chicken tossed in a sesame marinade. Served atop fresh mixed greens with tomatoes, sweet pineapple chunks, walnuts and toasted coconut. Best with Asian Sesame dressing. Monterey Chicken Salad Herb seasoned or Cajun-style chicken atop fresh mixed greens with bacon and egg, tomatoes, jack and cheddar cheeses. Best with Honey Mustard dressing. Spinach Goat Cheese Salad Leaf spinach, red onions, mushrooms, bacon and egg with goat cheese, topped with spicy sugared walnuts. Best with our Hot Bacon Vinaigrette. Asian Sesame Salad Diced fried chicken tossed in our sesame marinade over mixed greens, red onions, tomatoes and mandarin oranges. Topped with Asian noodles. Best with Asian Sesame dressing. Smoked Chicken Cobb Salad Smoked chicken atop mixed greens with tomatoes, black olives, red onions, jack and cheddar cheeses and crumbled bacon. Best with Ranch dressing. Provence Salad Chicken, ham, corn, peppers, cheese, cucumber, tomato, egg, mixed salad with a whole grain mustard and herbs de Provence dressing Nordic Salad Smoked salmon from Norway, egg, salad, sorrel, chives and raspberry vinegar Scallop Caviar Salad Fresh scallops, sevrugas caviar, endive, cider vinegar and saffron SMOOTHIES and HEALTH DRINKS Orange, Banana or Berry Smoothie Milkshakes Banana, Strawberry, Mango and Kiwi with pieces of white and dark chocolate on the top. Vitamin Power Strawberries, kiwifruit, yoghurt, soy milk, wheat germ and honey (high in vitamins) Pick Me Up Banana, pineapple juice, coconut milk, yoghurt, honey, wheat germ and ice (energy booster) San Pellegrino Still or sparkling water Freshly Squeezed Orange Apple or Cranberry juice Glass of Milk DESSERTS Carrot Cake Decadent Chocolate Cake Daily Cheese cake Sweet Potato Pie Seasonal Fruit Crumb Pie Chocolate Mousse Pie ( For the detailed price, we have to consolidate it during the first 6 months of detailed marketing study) 4.4.2. Services Our employees are well trained waiters and waitresses. They will always welcome customers with warm smile and serve you in a very polite manner. We also offer takeaway or phone order services for people in a hurry. We just want to provide as much convenience as possible to meet our customers needs. 4.4.3. Price According to our marketing research, the average cost for drinks is around 100RUB (3euros), desserts for 100RUB (3euros), a good meal costs about 400RUB (12euros) for one person, etc. As we are a cafà © with better products and services, we would price our products above average, say: CoffeeChocolate: 5-8 euros Drinks: 3-8 euros Tea: 5-10 euros Soup: 5-8 euros Salad: 5-10 euros Desserts: 3-8 euros 4.4.4. Place (distribution) We plan to find a place near the business area because our main target is business people who care about quality of the products and services. In our future planning, we would like to develop our cafà © business in Russia through franchising after we have established the model of our cafà © brand, of course, this idea should be based on the good operation result of our first cafà © shop. 4.4.5. Promotions As we are a totally new cafe shop in Moscow, it is very necessary to use effective ways to make us known to Moscow people. We plan to use the following methods to promote ourselves: Advertising Advertise our cafe shop on magazines such as business magazines, food magazines, etc. and newspapers Advertise our cafe through radio, so that Moscow people can get the information during breakfast time, driving a car, etc. We do not plan to do advertisement, for it is too expensive for us, however, radio ads is a comparatively cheaper way. Showing billboard-type ads in business areas Using transit ads on buses, subways and commuter trains Internet Marketing We decide to build up our own website in order to provide as much information as we can to attract more customers. Sales Promotion Establish customer management system. Offer a fidelity card for customers when reaches a certain amount of consumption. And each time they consume in our coffee shop, they earn points into his card. The earned points can be used as cash to pay for the products they buy in our cafe shop. Offer coupons occasionally Offer free goods according to different national holidays (eg. Valentines Day; Christmas, etc. 5. Action Plan Research has shown that: Relationship Marketing is the ongoing process of identifying and creating value with individual customers and then sharing the benefits from this over a lifetime association. It involves Understanding, focusing and management of ongoing collaboration Between suppliers and selected customers For mutual value creation and sharing Through interdependence and organizational alignment. (From Gordon, Relationship Marketing, pg9.) To implement our strategy with this approach we need to focus on customer benefits on a long time scale basis. The action plan has been established using this approach. What Objectives Benefit When Who/Lead Team organization Organize the whole team. What are the objectives, the milestones, people in chargeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Project Manager (PM) Align the project strategy with the business customer expectations Be align on a same set of objectives Going the same way. PM Project Launch Start the new project and let it know Project team/PM Describing the process and the people involved Be aware of the advantages each one has to forecast and organize in advance. Understand the constraints and possibilities offered by the process. By knowing who is doing what and for which purpose, people can improve the whole process Taking into account the customer survey Designing the offer, adapt the menu Adapt to the consumer requirements Designing the offer
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